Journal 139 — Unity Project Development Part 1–2.5D Shooter

Chris Nielsen
4 min readJan 1, 2022


Objective: To develop a complete 2.5D Shooter

In this new series of articles, I am developing a 2.5D sidescrolling shooter, starting with a basic set of aircraft and environment assets.

The game will include the following:

  • wave system for regular enemies, a mid boss, and final boss fight
  • weapon power ups
  • animations and sound effects

My goals are to first get the basic movement, weapons, and enemies working along with some basic animations. Then I will revisit all the areas of the game and refine the player movement, add sound effects, music, post processing effects, and UI. I plan to release this for Windows PC and Android.


To start, I am going to work on the basic movement. I’m using the new Unity Input System.

I will start with creating a new Input Actions asset called “PlayerActions”. I will create a 2D Vector Action for the WASD movement and Button Action for the regular attack and special attack.

After creating these actions and selecting “Save Asset”, I selected “Generate C# Class” in the Inspector and select “Apply”.

On the Player game object, I will use the built-in Character Controller component to handle the movement.

In the Player C# script, I will add a reference to the Input Action and Character Controller. Using the new Input system, I can read the Vector2 value of keyboard movement I previously set up. To move with Character Controller, I use Controller.Move().

Here are the results.

Movement Limit

I want to restrict the player so it cannot move off screen. I can simply add some 3D cubes and turn off the renderer, and only use the box colliders.


Next, I will add a basic animation for the helicopter blades by selecting the rotor objects and changing the y-axis and z-axis rotation values respectively and recording several keyframes.

Here are the results.

I’ll add some additional animations later to tilt the helicopter slightly on movement and show a thruster animation.


I will make a basic weapon projectile based on a prefab. I will add a collider and Rigid Body and script to move the projectile to the right. I will also add a collider and check the name of the enemy craft that I hit, and I will destroy the projectile after it leaves the game view.

I will need to instantiate the bullets from near the nose of the player craft, so I will add an empty object there with a script to instantiate the projectiles.

Back in the Player script, I will update the button trigger action to call the fire function.

Now we can check the results.

Thank you for your time!

In the next series of updates, I will add the enemy movement and attack using a wave system.



Chris Nielsen
Chris Nielsen

Written by Chris Nielsen

An Engineering Manager consultant who is seeking additional skills using Unity 3D for game and application development.

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